She’s Here!

My last post was all about my lovely friend Juliette (read here) she was quite literally having her baby as I typed my last word…I have never been so glued to my phone as I was that day!

It is such a weird feeling knowing someone you care about is going through the worst pain of their entire lives but being excited at the same time…it feels so wrong but so right.confusing. Juliette was a superstar that day battling through a fairly lengthy labour to finally give birth to the utterly adorable Eva Beatrice. 6lb 8oz of cuteness with hair! She is the most beautiful little thing, a complete combination of her Mummy and Daddy. They are both completely devoted to her and despite a slightly bumpy start have embraced parenthood with everything they have….no baby has ever been more organised and I would expect nothing less knowing her parents!

She is such a placid little soul, her tiny cry makes your heart melt and the beautiful newborn expressions are the reason her new parents can hardly bare to close their eyes at night. I have had the privilege of a few cuddles so far and brought my camera along with me on my last visit to capture a few of those precious newborn moments. I’m sure these wont be my last snaps by any stretch especially considering I am carrying her soon to be bff and I can already foresee ample photoshoots involving princess dresses and tiara’s.

So for now here are a few shots of her now..10 days old and the most precious little bundle ever.

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2 Comments on “She’s Here!

  1. Oh she’s beautiful Abigail, those detail shots are stunning. Great job as always xxx

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